National and international Dark Fiber connections in northwest Europe

Connectivity in the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark

Dark fibre network in North-West Europe

Are you looking for a fast, reliable and scalable connection? Are latency, the shortest possible route, high quality standards and a party that thinks beyond its own national borders important? If so, we are the right place to come. Relined guarantees you high-quality longhaul Dark fiber connectivity and secure data traffic over its unique network.

Together with our preferred suppliers, we operate a high-quality Dark fibre network spanning a distance of more than 51,000 kilometres in the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. We can meet your need for national connections to this network in any of the three countries and also accommodate cross-border connections via this network. Furthermore, if your networking needs are part of an international plan, we will be happy to collaborate with the appropriate parties at each border. For example, we have set up links with our neighbouring countries at several strategic points along the border.


International backbone connections

The interactive network map shows our existing networks. This map also shows our main international backbone routes between the major cities, including Frankfurt and Amsterdam. And the possibilities for linking your connection to networks across the border.

Relined is an ideal choice of partner for satisfying your international networking needs. Thanks to our network’s unique location, close to gas transport pipes and railway lines, we can usually provide the shortest possible route. That in turn has a beneficial effect on latency. In addition, we offer several ILA sites on the main long-distance routes to boost your signal.


Backbone carrier for your Dark fibre solutions

Relined’s mission is to put existing public and private fibre optic networks to the best possible use by leasing their unused fibre-optic capacity. To achieve this, we work with our preferred suppliers, i.e. BT, ProRail, GasLINE, Energinet, NGN and TenneT. Several local and regional partner networks are also connected to our network, allowing us to reach virtually any location.

Together, our fibre-optic cables span a distance of more than 51,000 kilometres, including:

  • 13,500 km in the Netherlands
  • 32,000 km in Germany
  • 5,500 km in Denmark

As a result, we offer complete coverage in these countries. This means that we can set up longhaul Dark fiber connections to almost any location.

If you are looking for connections within national borders, please refer to the page for the country in question.

Relined’s offshore network

Relined Fiber Network operates a number of undersea cables that connect various countries. These offshore interconnection resources are located between the national territories of the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany.

  • Nederland (Eemshaven) and Denmark (Esbjerg) – COBRA Fiber Optic Cable
  • Denmark (Bulbjerg) and Norway (Mosby)
  • Denmark (Skibstrupgård) and Sweden (Kristinelund)
  • Denmark (Gedser) and Germany (Rostock)
  • Denmark (Bjæverskov) and Germany (Bentwisch)


COBRA Fiber Optic Cable: the fastest route from Amsterdam to Denmark

Are you looking for a reliable and fast connection to the Nordic regions? The undersea cable between the Netherlands and Denmark, operated by Relined, makes this possible. The COBRA Fiber Optic Cable is unique compared to competing connections and offers a direct connection between the Netherlands and Denmark. This direct connection ensures minimal attenuation and the fastest possible connection performance. From the mainland, we route your connection to the desired final location.

COBRA Fiber optic Cable | Off-shore network | Dark Fiber

Why choose Relined’s international Dark Fibre network?

Relined’s Dark fibre network offers several key benefits:

  • Our network’s location is unique: central in Europe, connected to the metropolitan networks in Amsterdam and Frankfurt
  • Connections across the borders, with full coverage in the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark
  • Links to various neighbouring countries such as Belgium, Austria, Poland and the United Kingdom

In areas where we do not (yet) have a network of our own, we have set up good collaborations with our network partners. We always help you find a suitable solution to your network challenge.

In addition, our network is often used for large international business configurations in which we provide part of the required network to major international carriers and Over the Top Content providers (OTT). This is because we offer many cross-border links to parties in neighbouring countries. Our network’s location is unique and each carrier is paired with a dedicated employee, who is fully familiar with the business requirements.

Data centres and regeneration

Relined’s network includes more than 130 data centres and offers data centre connectivity in Amsterdam and Frankfurt; Europe’s major Internet hubs. In addition to colocation options in data centres, Relined offers several of its own regeneration locations at strategic points along major long-distance routes. At these locations, we provide space for your equipment in order to amplify the signal transmitted over the connection. For more information about the specifications at these locations, please refer to the ILA site factsheets.

Cooperating networks

No network in your region? In these cases, we work with local and regional networks applying the same high network requirements.

ILA sites

Regenerator equipment can be placed with Relined at strategic locations in the country. Virtually all of our locations have optimum security.

Data centres

Our network is constantly developing. We regularly connect new, well-secured data centres (redundantly) to our network. There are now more than 120 of these!

Redundant connections

Due to increasing digitalisation in our society, we rely more and more on our network. Not only does that network have to be secure and fast, it must also be available at all times to guarantee the organisation’s continuity. Redundancy is essential when you depend on your network.

What would happen if your business-critical processes were to stop working? Applications, online systems and data would be temporarily inaccessible and you would not be able to reach customers or clients. In short, you would no longer be able to do your job properly. Redundant connections ensure the continuity of your business-critical processes.

Freedom to set up your network as you want

Are you looking for a connection that is fast, reliable and scalable? One that can grow in line with your future plans? If so, Dark fibre from Relined is a great solution.

Dark fibre is more than just a cable in the ground: it is your own network and you set it up yourself. You decide which services you want to use it for, how much bandwidth you allocate to each service and also pick the suppliers you want to work with. As a result, you have complete freedom in how you set up the network to match your needs. In addition, your network remains fast, reliable and scalable. Is your business growing or does a service temporarily need more bandwidth? You arrange it directly yourself. In short, with Dark fibre you own your own scalable and future-proof network.

Why Relined?

Every partnership is different, and this also applies to your collaboration with Relined. We study and analyse your industry, and look at your needs from this perspective. Not just in the present, but with the future in mind as well. Which benefits offered by Relined are important to you?

Core value: connecting


Relined plays a crucial role in connecting commercial and public networks. We stand for strategic and sustainable partnerships with both public and private parties, with the aim of providing secure connectivity through a stable and fine-grained digital infrastructure.

Core value: reinforcing


By using sovereign networks, which are often located in protected and less accessible areas, Relined offers an increased level of digital security and stability. This is crucial at a time when data security and network integrity are of paramount importance.

Core value: future-proof


Relined is committed to the sustainable growth of digital connectivity. This is important not only for today's digital economy, but also for future development and innovation. By deploying the unused capacity of existing fibre networks, we are making efficient use of existing resources. This leads to cost savings and reduced environmental impact while increasing network capacity and accessibility.

Core value: nationally anchored

Nationally anchored

As a subsidiary of Netherlands state-owned company TenneT, we contribute to digital growth with a long-term oriented approach. We are committed to a future-proof and uniquely located fibre infrastructure. We do this based on a strong focus on safety and stability.